Carter Rockhill

  • Director, BDI and Sports Management; Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing
    Office location:
    Clausen Center 239

    A native of Sheboygan, Wis., Carter Rockhill received his B.A. in History from Marquette University. He then received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Sport Management from Ohio State University. His research interests focus on mixed-methods analysis of the NFL Draft process as well as the application of network theory to intercollegiate and professional football coaching.

    Prof. Rockhill teaches courses in sports management and business management at Carthage. He has experience working in the sports industry, holding positions with the Madison Mallards Baseball Club, The Ohio State University Student-Athlete Support Services Office (SASSO), and with the Jerome Schottenstein Center, home of the Ohio State Buckeye basketball and hockey programs. He also performed volunteer work for ESPN’s College Gameday broadcast for an Ohio State football game.

    • B.A., History — Marquette University
    • M.S., Sport Management  — Ohio State University
    • Ph.D., Sport Management — Ohio State University
    • BUS 1110: Introduction to Business
    • Mixed-methods analysis of NFL Draft
    • Network theory in professional and intercollegiate football coaching
    • Rockhill, C. A., Howe, J. E., & Agyemang, K. J. (2021). Statements versus Reality: How multiple stakeholders perpetuate racial inequality in intercollegiate athletic leadership. International Journal of Sport Communication (published online ahead of print 2021).
    • Knoester, C., & Rockhill, C. (2021). Multiculturalism and Antiracism in Sports? U.S. Public Opinions about Native American Team Names and Mascots and the Use of Hijabs in Sports. Socius.
    • Howe, J., & Rockhill, C. (2020). “Feelings that others won’t necessarily have”: Experiences of Black Athletic Administrators navigating the collegiate athletic setting. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 13, 170-188.
    • Rockhill, C., Pastore, D., & Johnston, D. (2019). The effectiveness of podcasts in sport management education. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 25, 1-7.